Questions Animals Ask About Humans On A Safari

After many years of sneaking through the bush at night or drifting through the bush under a glorious African sun, I have begun to wonder if animals ask each other questions about guests in vehicles. I have answered thousands of questions from guests and thought that there may well be a few that animals might be interested in asking should the opportunity arise.

1) When do they (people) sleep?
2) What do they eat?
3) How big do they get?
4) What is the difference between the male and female?
5) How do they find their way back home?
6) How many babies do they have?
7) Are they social, or do they live on their own?
8) How many different kinds of people are there?
9) How long do their off-spring stay with them?
10) Where do they go when it rains?

Or maybe animals are just not concerned about people around them. For each it is about finding more grass or enough prey to keep their stomachs full. Their quiet observance of our habits, and their expressions make me often wonder what exactly they think of us and our shenanigans.

Published by tourismtails

Kian Barker, owner of Eco Lodge and ShakaBarker Tours has a B. SC. in Botany and Zoology, as well as a B. SC. Honours in Ichthyology and Fisheries Science. He has published numerous articles in a variety of publications on estuarine management, tourism and related ecological aspects, as well as appearing in a number of television documentaries concerning the iSimangaliso Wetland Park. Kian believes passionately in repurposing for an even more sustainable eco friendly future. He has established an eco friendly 50 Shades of Green benchmark, that will hopefully be accepted into the tourism industry as a standard to aspire to. He has adapted Eco Lodge to embrace these green living practices, that also help conserve our natural environment, animals, and resources like water and energy. He also specialises in offering a variety of eco-tourism services in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park and surrounds.

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